Bored To Tears


I’m just so pissed off.

I’m tired of motherhood.
I have never, not once in my entire life
Had the freedom to explore, grow, get to know myself
Completely unencumbered and without judgement.

The teen and young adult years were filled with such fire and brimstone.
Such restriction.
And when I finally shed my chains,
I had these three, beautiful souls that I love so much

And they take so much.
And they need so much.
Yes, they love so much.
But sometimes I feel like I’m going to smother.

The Smothered Mother

My voice is caught in my throat
And I feel like a caged animal.
I’m not a failure, but I feel like it.

I’m just tired of this life..
Not living, but the monotony of everyday.

I have a brain!
And ideas!
And ambitions!

I miss having a life.
I miss ambition.
I miss doing things.
Making shit happen.

Bored to tears
But so busy

How much more can I take?


I Am Not Lost


New Legacy